Web 2.0? Welcome to web THREE-POINT-OH! Its like the semantic web, only with hookers and crack. and unicorns! or maybe bunnies.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

KJ Illin'

Books 061128

off the top of my head, bc i'm blogging a fair bit tonight:

- The Complete Bone (in a single volume) (Jeff Smith)

A lot of fun and a gargantuan effort on Smith's part, but not quite deserving of the Best! Comic! Evar! lauds and laurels its been getting

- Gary Benchley, Rock Star (Paul Ford)

I read Ford in the Morning News before I knew it was Ford, and enjoyed the column. I think i was working at SuperCorporateWorld(TM) at the time. Meant to pick up the book, never did, and then found if for $5 at St. Marks and tore through it in about a day. Light, but a good read. I'll pick up the next Ford book i find.

Ok, disclaimer: the above link-gonhorrea is a result of 1) finding the Flock WYSIWYG editor to be pretty damn handy, and 2) having been reading blogs as if it were my job for about 4 years now, and not really writing that much, I feel as if there's a TON of hyperlinking to attend to. This man probably put that idea into my head when i was an impressionable 18 yr old. (Thanks)

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Blogged with Flock

Flock? Really?

I'm attracted to the ease-of-use Flock offers--i spend a lot of time in a web browser, and I'd just as happily write as I do read if it were as effortless as a right-click.  But i've been burned by Flock registration bugs in the past, so I'm a little skeptical.  Hopefully after I log out of this session it won't fuXX0r my account settings as it has in the past.

So this bout of blogging is based on a bit of skepticism.  (And, apparantly, navel-gazing.)

Yesterday I went of a fever-burn of iTunes tagging, and tonight (after an IM from the Millenial Cousin asking for my favorite blogs) the ol' delicious got a tiny bit of love and care.  Wouldn't it be nice if my online web-two-point-oh-i-ness translates into a little real-life get-yrself-organized-ation-ness?

Yes.  Yes it would.

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Blogged with Flock

Consumer Lust Breaks In

The reason: Nintendo's new controller. The device resembles a TV remote but with fewer buttons. It relies on wireless technology with built-in motion sensors to translate movement directly onto a TV screen. Wii can be swung like a tennis racket, twirled like a steering wheel, or pointed at the screen like a gun.

The Big Ideas Behind Nintendo's Wii

I haven't owned a console since pneumonia forced the parents to accede to my 4th-grade demands for an 8-bit NES, but for the first time in a long time (PS Streetfighter discs aside), I'm tempted to drop some cash on a video game machine.  Wiiiiiii.

(This is a test-post to see if the new version of Flock has gotten its Right-Click-"Blog This" act together).