Web 2.0? Welcome to web THREE-POINT-OH! Its like the semantic web, only with hookers and crack. and unicorns! or maybe bunnies.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

David Lee Roth Just Blew My Mind

...before 10am.

He's apparantly got a radio show now, which my radio is apparantly tuned to. In the course of taking phone-in ethics queiries with Randy Cohen, the Ethicist for the New York Times, the subject of file-sharing came up several times.

Finally, a caller chimes in with "hey man, you can't argue that this is still up in the air; the supreme court decided: look at the grokster deciscion."

to which this man replied:

"that's the territory man, that's not the map"

David Lee Roth reads Baudrillard. I love life.

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