Web 2.0? Welcome to web THREE-POINT-OH! Its like the semantic web, only with hookers and crack. and unicorns! or maybe bunnies.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hello World


Well now.

I'm sure each new year launches at least as many new blogs as it does new gym memberships; here's mine. I've been reading blogs (and making the occasional Overly Serious Attempts at writing them) since about 2002. Most recently, i was required to maintain a blog for a progamming class. Once the "Pat Morita, RIP" posts started appearing, i realized that its about time I had a sandbox of my own. I hereby promise to

- post whenever the hell i feel like it
- feel inadequate when i don't post frequently enough
- eventually get off the blogspot teat and build a respectable portfolio site for my design work.

oh yeah, all the usual "about me" and "my interests" vanity parade? settle down buster, that stuff's sure to come as soon as i get some 0's and 1's in order. At the moment, i bear WAY too much of a resemblance to this guy.

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